Monday, January 31, 2011

A kind heart & practicing self-love

Have you ever verbalized or received the sentiment "I love you with all my heart"? Consider for a moment why the phrase wasn't "I love you with all my mind!" This month I challenge us to discriminate between thoughts and emotions. Carefully assess your true inner desires at the core of your heart as distinct from the "mind candy", whether sweet or bitter, generated from coating the heart's desires with ego-generated thoughts (i.e., illusions of the mind).

Continue the practice of awareness and acceptance from January... with greater focus on directing "I love you with all my heart" consciously and lovingly toward yourself! During hard times, beware of the tendency to self-judge or endorse illusions. Be gentle with yourself as you guide awareness into the heart with deep, rhythmic breaths. Let loving kindness prevail. In all times, savor the gifts of the moment -- reinterpret seeming negatives as lessons and relish in positive aspects of yourself.

Loving and caring for/about others foremost requires practicing self-love. Find time to slow down and harness inner kindness directly from your own loving heart. Consider adding ylang ylang essential oil to your repertoire. It will enhance your connection to the heart-centered love principles requisite for personal growth and development. Please share your personal experiences with this month's practice to further develop a community of loving beings attaining fulfillment and enlightenment!

1 comment:

  1. Funny how we need 'permission' and reminders to love our selves. Thank you for posting both. To love with all our heart, we acknowledge it's anchor. Extending love without having it rooted to a solid foundation, love and acceptance of self, is love line in need.
